Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Indian Abacus - Why On - line

Why Online

Online self-learning/practice/testing of Abacus skills program package offered by Indian Abacus is unique in its features without any comparison.  Indian Abacus offers a program with similar features. The tool, Indian Abacus, is unique in its design with unmatched benefits.  The methodology used to tutor the student choosing to learn online offers learning with ease, comfort and pleasure in practicing and it is exciting to be assessed and certified. 

The major hurdle of going to a centre for learning and practicing Abacus skills is totally removed.  No centre, no travel, no wastage of the parent’s time to drive the child to the centre and bring back.  The parent saves not only time but also the fuel costs.  Further, the child is under close observation of the parent while learning; the parent could help/support the child while learning.

The comfort of the house or any place that the student chooses to sit and learn is the great advantage for the student, which adds as a special feature, which is totally absent otherwise. 

Going to center is not only a problem of commutation, to and fro, but is a matter of specific time to learn.  Many times the centres do not have the days asked for, the time of the batch asked for to offer the training.  It is fixed, though there is an initial choice of which batch/timing.  The batch or the time chosen is unchanged and hence fixed.

The flexibility of ‘anytime’ is a great freedom that the student enjoys.  While it is agreed that time for learning has to be conducive for student’s liking, online learning of Indian Abacus program offers good scope for the student to choose any specific time or varied timings each day, depending upon the demands of the mainline education and the other skill-enhancement programs which the student pursues.

The scope also makes available solution for “missed classes” in the learning when pursued in the centre.  The student could sit for extended hours to study and learn or practice any day to make up for the missed-day-practice.  ‘Anytime’ and ‘any amount of time’ are the special features, which make the student to utilize better the needed time to spend for learning or practice.

While it is advantageous to be one among the other students of a batch, it has also the disadvantage of sharing the time of the teacher.  The teacher handling the batch of 15 or 20 students, in the normal circumstances, is supposed to be spending one-fifteenth or one-twentieth of the time available for the class for each student.  With the self-learning module being very strong and help at anytime and anywhere in the program module, the exclusivity of the online support for the student is ensured and there is no sharing of the time with the others and hence it is exclusive and very qualitative.  Learning quality will be better and the time spent to understand is very less. 

‘Help’, whenever wanted:
The online support is available anywhere in the program modules and anytime the student seeks Help.  Learning support is enormous.  While learning & practicing, the student could reach the ‘Help’ mode and take hand-held help. ‘Formulae working’ & ‘worked out sums’ will be there for reaching whenever the student chooses.  Any concept or working ‘not understood’ could be easily overcome by the student and hence the facility ‘tutor on demand’ is available all through.

The Indian Abacus is a Mathematical Counting Tool.

The Indian Abacus is a
• Mathematical Counting Tool.
• Faster &
• Stress Free

The colour images projected for the value representing slider positions provide better anchoring of the vision through better stimulus resulting in better image registry - easier, faster & stress-free

Objective of Abacus program
• Improve the Brain Power and Remove the Fear of Mathematics
  for the age group of 5-13 years old

• Develop image memory

Abacus was the first known tool in history which aided Learning Numbers & to Calculate  ADD or SUBTRACT

Using Abacus Tool, it is easier & quicker For the child to Learn Number concepts since the child has the strong aid the  Object or Image

Since ABACUS tool aided effectively in Learning of Number Concepts & Calculations ABACUS became successful & stayed for centuries

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Certificate of participation (Indian Abacus) in the First "Second ASSOCHAM - ICAI-CMA SMEs Excellence Award - 2014 Delhi

Certificate of participation (Indian Abacus) in the First "Second ASSOCHAM - ICAI-CMA SMEs Excellence Award - 2014 Delhi

Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd., has launched its newly invented state-of-the-art Indian Abacus devices and the program with international standard course materials to make the children of the age group – 5 to 13 years, benefit much more than ever before.  Indian Abacus products and the program are the result of 14 years of background research using which the promoters of the company gained invaluable knowledge and experience. All of these have gone into the development of the devices (Indian Abacus) and the program. We will be happy to serve you with these product-offerings and the program of international standard. 

The Indian Abacus is an educational counting tool for learning to do fast and accurate mental arithmetic, applicable  for children 5 to 13 years, more particularly it helps in enhancing their brain skills such as CONCENTRATION, VISUALIZATION (PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY) by activating the right brain, the seat of intelligence.  The present invention introduces a tool which can display color image representing any value by moving the sliders up and down.